Think of your abstract or artist statement like a movie trailer: it should leave the reader eager to learn more but knowledgeable enough to grasp the scope of your work. Although abstracts and artist statements need to contain key information on your project, your title and summary should be understandable to a lay audience.

Please remember that you can seek assistance with any of your writing needs at the MU Writing Center. Their tutors work with students from all disciplines on a wide variety of documents. And they are specially trained to use the Abstract Review Rubric that will be used on the abstracts reviewed at the Spring Forum.
Types of Research Summaries
Students should submit artist statements as their abstracts. Artist statements should introduce to the art, performance, or creative work and include information on media and methods in creating the pieces. The statements should also include a description of the inspiration for the work, the meaning the work signifies to the artist, the artistic influences, and any unique methods used to create the pieces. Students are encouraged to explain the connections of the work with their inspirations or themes. The statements should be specific to the work presented and not a general statements about the students’ artistic philosophies and approaches. Effective artist statements should provide the viewer with information to better understand the work of the artists. If presentations are based on previous performances, then students may include reflections on the performance experiences and audience reactions.
Abstracts should describe the nature of the project or piece (ex: architectural images used for a charrette, fashion plates, advertising campaign story boards) and its intended purpose. Students should describe the project or problem that they addressed and limitations and challenges that impact the design process. Students may wish to include research conducted to provide context for the project and inform the design process. A description of the clients/end users may be included. Information on inspirations, motivations, and influences may also be included as appropriate to the discipline and project. A description of the project outcome should be included.
Abstracts should include a short introduction or background to put the research into context; purpose of the research project; a problem statement or thesis; a brief description of materials, methods, or subjects (as appropriate for the discipline); results and analysis; conclusions and implications; and recommendations. For research projects still in progress at the time of abstract submission, students may opt to indicate that results and conclusions will be presented [at the Forum].
Tips for writing a clear and concise abstract
The title of your abstract/statement/poster should include some language that the lay person can understand. When someone reads your title they should have SOME idea of the nature of your work and your discipline.
Ask a peer unfamiliar with your research to read your abstract. If they’re confused by it, others will be too.
Keep it Short and Sweet!
- Interesting eye-catching title
- Introduction: 1-3 sentences
- What you did: 1 sentence
- Why you did it: 1 sentence
- How you did it: 1 sentence
- Results or when they are expected: 2 sentences
- Conclusion: 1-3 sentences
Ideas to Address:
- The big picture your project helps tackle
- The problem motivating your work on this particular project
- General methods you used
- Results and/or conclusions
- The next steps for the project
Things to Avoid:
- A long and confusing title
- Jargon or complicated industry terms
- Long description of methods/procedures
- Exaggerating your results
- Exceeding the allowable word limit
- Forgetting to tell people why to care
- References that keep the abstract from being a “stand alone” document
- Being boring, confusing, or unintelligible!
Ask a peer unfamiliar with your research to read your abstract. If they’re confused by it, others will be too.
Artist Statement
The artist statement should be an introduction to the art and include information on media and methods in creating the piece(s). It should include a description of the inspiration for the work, what the work signifies to the artist, the artistic influences, and any unique methods used to create the work. Students are encouraged to explain the connections of the work with their inspiration or theme. The artist statement (up to 300 words) should be written in plain language to invite viewers to learn more about the artist’s work and make their own interpretations. The statement should be specific to the piece(s) that will be on display, and not a general statement about the student’s artistic philosophy and approach. An effective artist statement should provide the viewer with information to better understand and experience viewing the work on display.
Research/Applied Design Abstract
The project abstract (up to 300 words) should describe the nature of the project or piece (ex: architectural images used for a charrette, fashion plates, small scale model of a theater set) and its intended purpose. Students should describe the project or problem that was addressed and limitations and challenges that impact the design process. Students may wish to include research conducted to provide context for the project and inform the design process. A description of the clients/end users may be included. Information on inspirations, motivations, and influences may also be included as appropriate to the discipline and project.
Key Considerations
- What is the problem/big picture that your project helps to address?
- What is the appropriate background to put your project into context? What do we know? What don’t we know? (informed rationale)
- What is YOUR project? What are you seeking to answer?
- How do you DO your research? What kind of data do you collect? How do you collect it?
- What is the experimental design? Number of subjects or tests run? (quantify if you can!)
- Provide some data (not raw, but analyzed)
- What have you found? What are your results? How do you KNOW this – how did you analyze this?
- What does this mean?
- What are the next steps? What don’t we know still?
- How does this relate (again) to the bigger picture. Who should care and why? (what is your audience?)